Music Library
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Contact Anne-Louise Sterry for questions about track rights and promotional use.
The Music Library is where you can listen to Anne-Louise Sterry’s songs. Find lyrics, other artists’ information, and more details about each track below. Filter by theme, mood, or genre, or browse the tags for more options.
We Are We Are
We Are We are. was produced as pop holiday music, by artists Anne-Louise Sterry and Peter Duff in 2022. Tags: Driving, Emotive, Rhythmic, Romantic, Bright, Catchy, Dreamy, Upbeat, Uplifting, Singer/songwriter, Pop, Drums, Holiday, Midtempo, Male vocal
Long Time Coming
Long Time Coming (clean) with sax was produced as holiday music, by artists Anne-Louise Sterry and Taryn Coccia.
Can I Have You For Christmas
Can I Have You For Christmas (clean) was produced as holiday music, by artist Anne-Louise Sterry (feat.) Jessica Mac.
At What Cost
Lyrics: At What Cost by Anne-Louise Sterry and Alissa Moreno You stay up and I go downYou look straight and I turn round Doesn’t matter what I thinkI am just the enemy You are right and I am wrong I’ll shut my mouth and sing/play my song one day you’ll maybe see my...
Flowing River
Flowing River (clean) was released in 2022. It was produced as music for the ad space, with artists Anne-Louise Sterry and Jarrell Lee Pierson.
Learning To Let Go
Learning To Let Go (clean) was released in 2022. It was produced with artists Anne-Louise Sterry (feat.) Jared Anderson.
Keep On
Keep On (clean) is by Anne-Louise Sterry (feat.) Josh Nichols. Notes: Minimal, Reflective, Rhythmic, soulful, inspiring.
Good Good Good
Good Good Good (clean) is a song by Anne-Louise Sterry and Jared Anderson. It was published in 2022.
Better Keep Up
Better Keep Up (clean) was released in 2022. It was produced with artists Anne-Louise Sterry (feat.) Livy Jeanne.